Sunday, June 27, 2010


Losing Andrew

Does it hurt any less
Because it is the second time or fourth or sixth?
Does the pain feel any different
When it is the second time or fourth or sixth?

How many heartbreaks
Until your heart irreparable breaks?
Is it the second time or fourth or sixth?

The hole gets deeper faster each time.
Slippery slide down.
Sometimes there are mogul like hills that pop-up
tormenting the mind with glimpses of light,
Chances of joy,
Feelings of competence.

The descent is long and hard.

Climbing back up is even more difficult,
Seemingly impossible.
And each time the heartbreaks,
the slide begins again
And the rock climb sharper
With less to hang on to.

Tenacity is imperative.
Faith is essential.
Self-talk, successes, remembrances helpful
Drama class comes in handy
“Doing great, doing fine.”
(slippery slide slippery slide)
How many heartbreaks
Until your heart irreparable breaks?
Is it the second time or fourth or sixth?
How many?